RYA VHF SRC Classroom

The RYA VHF SRC training Course is a legal requirement for all water users who intend to use a VHF (Very High Frequency) marine radio. This course is also required before completing any RYA practical exams and to gain a commercial endorsement. With all the safety benefits this makes it this a must do course.


The RYA VHF SRC syllabus includes basic VHF operation, the correct VHF frequencies, use of DSC (Digital Selective Calling) and GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress & Safety System), distress, emergency and medical assistance procedures.


Prior to your classroom course we will send you a copy of the RYA’s VHF Radio (G31) course notes book (worth £16.49 and included in the price of the  course). You are expected to undertake at least three hours of self study with the book prior to attending the course.A separate exam is required following completion of your classroom course, which we will arrange for you, usually at the end of the course. The RYA VHF course ensures a quality standard agreed with the RYA and MCA and is internationally recognised.


The VHF exam will be conducted at our training base on the River Hamble, most weekends, using VHF DSC sets specially modified to allow students to make May Day calls on real equipment to promote realism – without having a rescue helicopter over the classroom! VHF qualification are Ofcom regulated; an independent exam is required and consists of a short written test followed by a practical assessment.


RYA VHF Training changed on 2nd January 2014 to enable the course to be completed online. If you prefer this option please click here to visit our online VHF course page.


Contact us at  for our forthcoming exam dates.

RYA VHF SRC Interactive Training Fee Includes:

  • RYA VHF Radio (G31) course notes book – worth £16.49
  • Email & phone help by our RYA Interactive instructors
  • VHF Radios for exams
  • Refreshments during the RYA VHF SRC exam

Please note there is a separate fee of £70 charged by the RYA to cover the Ofcom certification, this will be taken by the Assessor at the time of the exam. This must be as a cheque payable to RYA or credit card; no cash will be accepted.

What To Bring:

  • Packed lunch or money or a card for lunch nearby